Tell me about the global issue you selected. What do you already know about the issue? What are you looking forward to learning about it? Explain.
I chose Gun Control for many reasons. My family is all from Iowa, so almost all of the boys and some of the girls have a rifle of their own. But of course they use them for the legal use, hunting. I'm not completely for hunting, I mean your killing a living thing with a heart, almost the same as a human. But I'm not for killing people either. Lately when you watch the news, every show talks about at least one shooting that's just happened in our local area. Whether its drive-by, accidental or mass, they all happen and they all could be prevented if the government added a few more regulations to gun laws. I'm looking forward to figuring out if the government actually has something in mind to stop these mishaps or if they truly don't have a heart.

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