Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29th

Blog Post of the Day:
Read this small newspaper clipping and then write a blog post about it. What are your thoughts? How does it make you feel? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.

I think this guy is just being stubborn. I know maybe one kid in the whole school that actually does the things he's saying. Why can't we have any fun? In a few years we'll be old and crippled and we won't be able to do any of the things available for us now. My dream would be to travel the world either just for fun, or to dance is shows. Not mow the lawn and bore my self to death. We were put on this Earth for a reason and that was to live a life. I personally think sitting in your dark room reading a book is not living a life. I mean, you're living, but you're not doing it in a very good style. Why read about someone else living your dreams when you could be living them for yourself and be making memories. When you're lying on your death bed, you're going to remember all the fascinating things you did, or saw, or the amazing people you met. Not that Thursday night when you finished all your homework and read about some cool, but fake girl that didn't actually exist and did everything you wanted to and could have done, when you had the chance. But you didn't.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26th

What is a Public Service Announcement? If you don't know what it is, Google it. In your own words, now tell me what it is? What are they used for? Can you recall an example of a PSA you've seen before?

A public service announcement is a message that people want to get out into the community, either by promoting donations, selling things, hanging up posters, or making it a craze on social media. For instance, the ALS ice bucket challenge has been popular for the past few weeks. You can't go anywhere on your phone without seeing something about it. They are used to help spread the word, in a way that will interest the type of audience they're going for. The Ice Bucket Challenge has mostly attracted to kids, but is now spread more to adults because they are getting nominated.  ALS has done amazing work in spreading their thoughts, and they have raised 80 Million dollars. 

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Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 25th

Blog Post of the Day:
After watching the short clip of Ashton Kutcher's acceptance speech what did you take away from his advice? What does this quote mean to you -"Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you, and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use."

There are people in the world, that you may idolize. It could be through looks, sports, knowledge, or academics or many more things. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but its also not a good thing. The world around you and everything inside it was made by people just like you. They may not look like you in anyway, shape, or form. But they're still like you. They went through at least 12 years of schooling, have common sense, and a heart. You may not realize how similar you are to the people around you that you're constantly wanting to be. You're in charge of no ones life but your own, and even that is a huge responsibility. Every second, even every millisecond, you're making a decision that could impact your life so terribly you might never sit in the chair you're currently sitting in or walk the streets of this town ever again. But then again, you could be making decisions that are going to change your life for the better. You could be meeting new people, creating a new machine, designing outfits in your head, planning trips, brainstorming your meals, writing a story, even daydreaming. And all of these things could impact you in the hours, days or years to come. Stop existing, start living.

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