Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday, September 30

Blog Post of the Day:
What is an infographic? If you don't know, go look it up. Read about it and then in your own words tell me what an infographic is. What do infographics do? How do they work? What makes a really good infographic?

It is a visual image that gives information and or data. For example, a graph, chart, or diagram. They help express complicated information quickly and clearly. They are used on social media, in newspapers, and on maps.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29th

Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me about your Homecoming weekend! If you didn't participate in the Homecoming festivities, what did you do? Share pics!

On Friday night I cheered at the Homecoming football game and had fun watching us beat Southwest. We got benched for 3rd quarter but it was okay because I liked to watch the game. After the game,  I met up with one of my really good middle school friends that went to Southwest. On Saturday, I didn't go to homecoming because, I didn't want to, and because I had 7 hours of dance tryouts, leading all the way up until homecoming started. Later that night though, I went to dinner with my sister at Kyoto and went to my friends after party and got to hangout with them which was fun. On Sunday, I went shopping with my mom and my sister. We went to the Lilly store and got some stuff, and then I went to lululemon to get some more black clothes for my next weekend of dance tryouts.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Blog Post of the Day:

Imagine Mr. Bacon has asked you to suggest one way of improving Blue Valley High School to make it a better place for students. Think about the changes that are needed at your school. Pick one change you feel would really make a difference and explain what it is and why you'd make the change.

I believe that improving the lunch menu would be to every ones benefit. The whole grain stuff might be healthy, but it tastes so bad that no one is going to even buy it? Would you rather have kids eat some fatty foods, but still get the needed nutritional value, or not eat at all? If the kids stop eating, which I know some kids that have, their ability to pay attention in class would be so minimal. Which would lead to bad grades, and loose our streak of winning everything. So long story short, we need better food in the lunchroom.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014



Blog Post of the Day:
What are your favorite apps on your phone or tablet? Why?

My favorite apps would have to be Messages, Snapchat, Music and Spotify. I like messages because I prefer to constantly be communicating with my friends and family but I hate talking on the phone, so texting makes it so much easier. That's another reason I like Snapchat because it's another easy yet fun way to communicate and I love sending pictures too so it's like messages and camera all in one. I like music because on there I have so many songs so whatever mood I'm in, I have music to help with my moods and I listen to music 24/7. Spotify is also good because you can get music practically for free which I like because I am constantly wanting new songs. But the only reason I don't like it is that you can't pick which song is going to play.

Monday, September 22, 2014


Blog Post of the Day:
What is email? When do you use email in your own personal life? List reasons and ways that people use email. What do you know about "email etiquette"?

My mom and my grandma use email more than anything, so (sadly) I actually do know a lot about email. I have about 5 email accounts currently set up on my phone, and each one of them gets so much junk mail its annoying. I currently have 8,013 unread emails on my phone. I used to hate google drive because I had bad experiences with it last year, so I would just email myself all my documents and pictures so I could get them at school and home. People use it for communication, sending mass emails for promoting an event or some sort of organization, and lots of companies use it to send coupons and stuff.

Friday, September 19, 2014


Blog Post of the Day:
Now that you've been in Emerging Technology for several weeks... what do you think? Do you think the web tools (Drive, Evernote, Bubbl, etc.) are helpful to you? Do you think they will be helpful throughout high school or even college? Explain.

 I think these resources will be useful when I need them for another class and the teacher doesn't give us any websites to use. I'm just not a huge fan of research and writing forced essays. But, in the long run I think this class will come in handy when I get older and the teachers tell us to use whatever resources we want.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Blog Post of the Day:
Do you enjoy writing? When do you enjoy it? What kind of writing do you enjoy? Why do you think the ability to write is so important no matter what kind of writing it is? Give an example that you enjoyed writing or hated writing. Why?

Yes I love writing! I have such a busy schedule that I don't get to write as much as I'd like to, but if I did have time, I would prefer to either write about personal experiences like how my day was or a trip I went on or just making up a story. I think writing is really important because it's a simple way to express your feelings. Especially when you have no one that will listen and understand you, it's simple just to write it down and let everything flow out. Last year my friend had a crush on this kid, and had all these dreams about what she wanted to happen between them. So, she asked me to write a story about how they met and asked her out and everything they did together. I really liked writing this because I really didn't have a prompt I had to follow or any guidelines so I could really express my feelings and that's what I believe writing is all about.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Blog Post of the Day:
Reflect on this quote. Give an example of a time in your life that this might have been the case.

This is a very inspiring quote for almost anything. For sports, a test, a speech or even meeting new people. A good example of me performing this quote would be when ever I give speeches. I never practice my speech at home before presenting it to the class, so I'm far from prepared. While I'm giving my presentation I have to keep looking at my note cards or slides and  I end up getting points off. Another example would be me studying for this Spanish test I have next hour, I fell asleep while studying last night so I'm not very ready.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Blog Post of the Day:
What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

On Friday, I cheered at the first BV home game and performed our band routine at halftime. My sister also came home for a day and it was really fun to see her. On Saturday, I went shopping with my mom and my friend introduced me to a bunch of her friends, so it was fun to make new ones. On Sunday, I slept in super late and did some more shopping.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Blog Post of the Day:
What is the importance of research? Why do you need to know how to research? What have you learned in high school about researching topics and finding quality resources? Have you had a helpful teacher that has taught you to research? Explain.

Because there are so many things in this universe that we don't even know exist. And most likely, without the internet we would never ever learn anything. The most important things to learn in life you can't find in textbooks or the internet, you have to live them yourself. But then again, you can look most things up on the internet and find something to help you and that just shows how corrupted this world is. Anyways, I only have one class (this one) that we have full on access to a computer so I haven't learned much yet.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Global Issue Selection

Global Issue Selection- Sadie Myer

For my global issue in Emerging Technology I have chosen Gun Control. I have begun researching the issue and you can find my research questions here.

September 10th, 2014

Kids these days are just weird. My neighbor kids never come over and see me anymore and when they do, it's me who had to ask them to take me to the store. On the way to the store they both just sat there on some little gaming device. They said it was called an "eye" something. I don't know what it can do but it seems to have corrupted their tiny little innocent brains. They used to come over every day after school, now they're just antisocial and "busy".

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me about the global issue you selected. What do you already know about the issue? What are you looking forward to learning about it? Explain.

I chose Gun Control for many reasons. My family is all from Iowa, so almost all of the boys and some of the girls have a rifle of their own. But of course they use them for the legal use, hunting. I'm not completely for hunting, I mean your killing a living thing with a heart, almost the same as a human. But I'm not for killing people either. Lately when you watch the news, every show talks about at least one shooting that's just happened in our local area. Whether its drive-by, accidental or mass, they all happen and they all could be prevented if the government added a few more regulations to gun laws. I'm looking forward to figuring out if the government actually has something in mind to stop these mishaps or if they truly don't have a heart.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Blog Post of the Day:
What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

On Friday, I headed over on a bus to Shawnee Mission North to cheer for the varsity football game which was really fun. It was super cold though and hard to constantly be standing still. On Saturday I had my yearly conference with all my dance teachers, which wasn't as bad or intimidating as I thought it would be. Then I went and got my hair highlighted, I'm a blonde again yay. And that night I went to a party with my mom and all her news friends. It had really good food, a bonfire and fun people. I also spent most of my time there with my moms friends daughter named Madeline who will be 2 very soon. On Sunday, I slept in, went shopping and went to Jose Peppers for dinner. 

My flyer Anna Quigley and I at the game on Friday.

Baby Madeline and I.

Friday, September 5, 2014

September 5th, 2014

Not getting up in the morning- A
Dancing- A
Drinking coffee- A
Daydreaming- A
Eating too much food- A
Scarring boys off- A
Texting- A
Using my time wisely- F
Talking to boys- F++
Crying- A
Writing stories- A

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

When watching my video, click on this link- Human - and go to 2 minutes and 15 seconds through the song and it should go along with my PSA.

Blog Post of the Day:
Yesterday I asked your to "think differently" and push yourself to be uncommon with your PSA project using Google Slides. Why do you think I asked you to do that? What is the point? Why not just use bullets and headers? Explain.

Because when you see PSA's on the TV or on the internet you can tell people really put their time into creating something to make people sad, and hopefully cave into donating, or quitting whatever they're promoting. If we didn't put any thought into it, no one else is going to put in any thought into our topic either.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2nd, 2014

Tell me all about your Labor Day weekend. What did you do? Include photos!

This weekend was quite the girly weekend. On Friday, I had to go to the BV varsity soccer game and help raise money for the ALS Ice Bucket challenge against West. Then on Saturday, my sister came home from college! We went shopping at Prairie Fire, and kind of went crazy with the dresses. Then we ate at Cocobolos which was good but very different. And that night we went to the usual Jose Peppers for dinner as a family. On Monday, I slept in and did some homework until around 4, and then hung out with my friend Peyton.  We went to AMC and saw If I Stay, which was absolutely amazing! I cried so hard, it definitely gave my mascara a run. The main couple was just so cute and romantic I couldn't stand it. Everyone definitely needs to see it, especially the guys, take notes boys.